I will be adding to this post.
"Practicing effective melanoma prevention", 2017
"Effective prevention of melanoma is two-fold: First, reduce and limit UV (ultraviolet) exposure both from natural sunlight and artificial (e.g., tanning beds) ... Second, identify and diagnose melanoma as early as possible."
nano sunscreen toxicity clinically proven validated
Claims for = FRAUD
"Sun Protection AND Vitamin D", 2016, bolding added by me, @SkinCancerOrg
"Studies have never found that everyday sunscreen use leads to vitamin D insufficiency."
"Human skin penetration and local effects of topical nano zinc oxide after occlusion and barrier impairment.", 2016
"not associated with any measurable zinc oxide penetration into, or local toxicity in the viable epidermis below the application site"
"Why chemical free claims are harmful"
"There is no such thing as a chemical free cosmetic ... claims of “chemical free” sunscreens are complete fabrications!"
There is SPF swimwear for children of all ages, as well as adults. Check for the UPF rating! http://www.arpansa.gov.au//uv/testing.cfm
"It's not up for #debate
- there is no such thing as a safe tan.", 2016
https://www.melanoma.org/understand-melanoma/preventing-melanoma/why-is-tanning-dangerous?platform=hootsuite @CureMelanoma
"base tan"..equivalent to an SPF of about 3..research shows tanning is, in fact, addictive" + more on misleading information
"Skin cancer", 2016, color and bolding added by me, @AADskin
"Allaying nanosunscreen fears" June 6, 2016, with "Related" links included, including the "Perspectives" research article, color and bolding added by me
"Suntan and Sunburn", 2015, color and bolding added by me
"AAD statement on the safety of sunscreen", 2015, color and bolding added by me, @AADskin
"Indoors or outdoors, there's no such thing as a safe tan", 2014, color and bolding added by me
"Studies have never found that everyday sunscreen use leads to vitamin D insufficiency."
"Human skin penetration and local effects of topical nano zinc oxide after occlusion and barrier impairment.", 2016
"not associated with any measurable zinc oxide penetration into, or local toxicity in the viable epidermis below the application site"
"Why chemical free claims are harmful"
"There is no such thing as a chemical free cosmetic ... claims of “chemical free” sunscreens are complete fabrications!"
There is SPF swimwear for children of all ages, as well as adults. Check for the UPF rating! http://www.arpansa.gov.au//uv/testing.cfm
"It's not up for #debate

https://www.melanoma.org/understand-melanoma/preventing-melanoma/why-is-tanning-dangerous?platform=hootsuite @CureMelanoma
"base tan"..equivalent to an SPF of about 3..research shows tanning is, in fact, addictive" + more on misleading information
"Skin cancer", 2016, color and bolding added by me, @AADskin
"Melanoma is the second
most common form of cancer in females age 15-29."
"Allaying nanosunscreen fears" June 6, 2016, with "Related" links included, including the "Perspectives" research article, color and bolding added by me
"sunscreens containing nanoparticles ... not only ... safe, but also ... more effective protection than “regular” sunscreens"
"sunscreens containing nanoparticles ... not only ... safe, but also ... more effective protection than “regular” sunscreens"
"Suntan and Sunburn", 2015, color and bolding added by me
"A suntan or sunburn is a sign that skin
has been damaged by ultraviolet (UV) rays."
"Metal oxide sunscreens", 2015 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/phpp.12214/full
"Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide provide UV protection primarily via absorption of UV radiation ... not through significant reflection or scattering ... This study confirms ... provides quantitative data relating to the mechanism of action of the inorganic sunscreen filters"
"Metal oxide sunscreens", 2015 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/phpp.12214/full
"Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide provide UV protection primarily via absorption of UV radiation ... not through significant reflection or scattering ... This study confirms ... provides quantitative data relating to the mechanism of action of the inorganic sunscreen filters"
"AAD statement on the safety of sunscreen", 2015, color and bolding added by me, @AADskin
"Current scientific data does not support claims that sunscreen ingredients are toxic or a hazard to human health. ... evidence supports the benefits of applying sunscreen to minimize short- and long-term damage to the skin from UV radiation."
"The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Response to the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) 2015 Sunscreen Report", 2015, color and bolding added by me, @SkinCancerOrg
"The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Response to the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) 2015 Sunscreen Report", 2015, color and bolding added by me, @SkinCancerOrg
"Despite the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) recent claims about sunscreen ingredient safety, consumers should rest assured ... sunscreen ingredients oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate are safe and effective when used as directed. ... claims made by the EWG (which is not a scientific organization) are dangerous because they may dissuade the public from taking proper measures to protect themselves against the world’s most common cancer."
"The Faces of Pediatric Melanoma", 2014, color and bolding added by me, @MDAndersonNews
"Despite the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) recent claims about sunscreen ingredient safety, consumers should rest assured ... sunscreen ingredients oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate are safe and effective when used as directed. ... claims made by the EWG (which is not a scientific organization) are dangerous because they may dissuade the public from taking proper measures to protect themselves against the world’s most common cancer."
"The Faces of Pediatric Melanoma", 2014, color and bolding added by me,
"Childhood melanoma
affects kids of all ages and all races."
"Indoors or outdoors, there's no such thing as a safe tan", 2014, color and bolding added by me
"If you read no further, know this: there is no such thing as a safe tan. Indoor tanning is just as dangerous, if not more, than tanning outside in the sun."
"Alert over DIY organic sunscreens made of oils: Doctors warn against following 'nonsense' internet advice that oils can offer protection rating of up to 50" 2014, color and bolding added by me, @MailOnline
"Alert over DIY organic sunscreens made of oils: Doctors warn against following 'nonsense' internet advice that oils can offer protection rating of up to 50" 2014, color and bolding added by me, @MailOnline
"alternative health ... advising people to use
coconut oil ... beeswax to protect their skin because shop-bought sunscreen has
‘toxic ingredients’... carrot seed oil ... red raspberry seed oil ... ‘Shop-bought sunscreens are made to meet certain
standards – under EU law they have to be safe to use and are tested to check
they give the protection claimed on the bottle. ... ‘With a homemade sunscreen, there’s no way of
knowing how much protection, if any, you get ... Anyone who relies on something like this is putting
themselves at real risk of ... melanoma.’"
Skin cancer is NOT almost "unknown in the Philippines", another despicable LIE told by quacks and coconut oil marketers to shill+sell coconut oil as an alternative to Regulated SPF sunscreens!
"Melanoma: Deadly skin cancer", 2014, color and bolding added by me, @cebudailynews, "NRA, Cebu City, Philippines"
"What are the types of skin cancers? The three are, basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. Basal cell cancer, which rarely spreads, unless neglected, usually affects the face, the part most exposed to the sun ... BCC is the commonest skin cancer among Filipinos. Squamous cell cancer ... affects ... Filipinos ... usually parts that are NOT exposed to the sun, like legs and feet. ... melanoma ... is the most aggressive and deadliest of those three. ... What are the prevention measures? ... if you have to go out, use an umbrella and sunscreen (SPF 85+ and higher are now available for the face) ...The use of at least SPF 30 or higher is preferred, applied generously about 30 minutes before outdoor activities, and every two hours thereafter especially after swimming or sweating a lot."
"Consumers confused about sunscreen SPF ratings", 2013
"sunscreen..higher SPF..more safety..don’t rub..in..spread..over..skin”
Skin cancer is NOT almost "unknown in the Philippines", another despicable LIE told by quacks and coconut oil marketers to shill+sell coconut oil as an alternative to Regulated SPF sunscreens!
"Melanoma: Deadly skin cancer", 2014, color and bolding added by me, @cebudailynews, "NRA, Cebu City, Philippines"
"What are the types of skin cancers? The three are, basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. Basal cell cancer, which rarely spreads, unless neglected, usually affects the face, the part most exposed to the sun ... BCC is the commonest skin cancer among Filipinos. Squamous cell cancer ... affects ... Filipinos ... usually parts that are NOT exposed to the sun, like legs and feet. ... melanoma ... is the most aggressive and deadliest of those three. ... What are the prevention measures? ... if you have to go out, use an umbrella and sunscreen (SPF 85+ and higher are now available for the face) ...The use of at least SPF 30 or higher is preferred, applied generously about 30 minutes before outdoor activities, and every two hours thereafter especially after swimming or sweating a lot."
"Consumers confused about sunscreen SPF ratings", 2013
"sunscreen..higher SPF..more safety..don’t rub..in..spread..over..skin”
"Indoor Tanning: The Risks of Ultraviolet Rays", 2015, bolding added by me, @US_FDA
“Since lamps used in tanning beds emit UV radiation, the use of indoor tanning devices also increases your risk of skin cancer.”
"The Tale of Tanning", 2011
"truly health-conscious, style- savvy individuals have abandoned tanning to embrace sun protection and their own natural skin tones"
"Interview on the latest melanoma treatments - Melanoma Institute Australia", 2015
"Sunscreens: Safe and Effective?", 2011, color and some bolding added by me, @SkinCancerOrg
"In vitro sun protection factor
determination of herbal oils used in cosmetics", 2010, color and bolding added by me
"The Tale of Tanning", 2011
"truly health-conscious, style- savvy individuals have abandoned tanning to embrace sun protection and their own natural skin tones"
"Interview on the latest melanoma treatments - Melanoma Institute Australia", 2015
http://www.melanoma.org.au/news-events/news/interview-on-the-latest-melanoma-treatments/#.VRQgR3JqnyU.twitter, @MelanomaAus
the 9 minute video!
My late uncle died years ago from metastasized melanoma. It eventually went to his brain. The fact modern
medicine can now target the melanoma itself is awesome!
"Sunscreen Facts", 2015, color and bolding by me
"What you need to know about sunscreen (but were too afraid to ask)" - Melanoma Institute Australia, December 2014, @MelanomaAus
"Sunscreen Facts", 2015, color and bolding by me
http://www.melanoma.org/understand-melanoma/preventing-melanoma/facts-about-sunscreen, @CureMelanoma
"No current published data has demonstrated adverse health effects on humans from the regular use of sunscreen."
"All financial contributions to the MRF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, are tax deductible."
"What you need to know about sunscreen (but were too afraid to ask)" - Melanoma Institute Australia, December 2014, @MelanomaAus
"Are nanoparticles safe?" From the webinar: Answer YES and MORE efficient for additive protection (e.g. zink)! Also from the webinar: NO association of sunscreen use and lowered levels of Vitamin D - that is from research. And you need a broad spectrum 30 SPF approved sunscreen! For a day at the beach? Sunscreen SPF 50+ which under new regulations is actually at "least SPF 60" - that surprised me but it is maximum protection. What also surprised me? Don't rub sunscreen into skin. I've done that, even if it looks white. It will disappear - reason - you need a "uniform layer" on your skin.
"Sunscreens: Safe and Effective?", 2011, color and some bolding added by me, @SkinCancerOrg
"Sunscreen and Vitamin D Deficiency
Because the human body produces some vitamin D in response to the sun’s UV radiation, sunscreen use could in theory reduce vitamin D levels. ... several studies have found that subjects’ regular sunscreen use did not prevent adequate vitamin D intake. ... also important to note that our bodies can manufacture only a certain amount of vitamin D from the sun. After reaching this limit within minutes, further UV exposure has a reverse effect, breaking down vitamin D into inactive compounds."
concern is that nanoparticles can be absorbed by the skin and harm living skin tissue. ... current research indicates that fears about absorption are unwarranted: Sunscreen is applied to the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of skin, which is made up of dead cells, and multiple studies have shown that nanoparticles do not penetrate living skin. ... in sunscreen formulas, it appears that nanoparticles tend to clump together to form larger-than-nano-sized particles."
"The Skin Cancer Foundation is a non-profit
organization. Your donation is tax deductible."
"SPF value of olive oil and coconut oil was ... around 8"
"Red Raspberry Seed Oil"
"Oomah study ... indicates red raspberry seed oil may have the potential to act as a broad-spectrum UV-A and UV-B shield ... it should, by no means, be relied upon without further independent testing. ... We do not endorse or recommend ... Red Raspberry
Seed Oil be combined with Coconut Oil and Carrot Seed Oil as a DIY
sunscreen. Without testing, it is impossible to know the SPF of such a
combination and the use of untested sunscreen products can result in severe
and honest! Kudos! (the study, dated 2000 is linked)
"Mineral Makeup - Fact vs Fiction", 2014, color and bolding added by me, @KJBennettBeauty
"totally reckless of ... companies ... to lead people into believing ... they'll get sufficient UVA/UVB protection from a color cosmetic … ALONE"
"Mineral Makeup - Fact vs Fiction", 2014, color and bolding added by me,
"totally reckless of ... companies ... to lead people into believing ... they'll get sufficient UVA/UVB protection from a color cosmetic … ALONE"
"Mineral Makeup:
Hype vs. Reality", 2012, color and bolding added by me
sufficient for ... running a few errands outside”... spending hours outdoors ... choose a sunscreen with an SPF 45.”
“There isn't any natural source of titanium
that's pure enough to be used in cosmetics ... It's all contaminated with things like mercury
and lead.”
like someone to show me a zinc oxide mine. ... “It doesn't exist.
Zinc oxide is synthesized in the lab."
makeup has limitations - it's not "all natural" - ingredients are processed to remove
contaminants, create zink oxide, and there is not enough serious UV protection! - NOT what marketers, those sponsored and quacks tell you about such products they promote/sell!
Email Reply: Mineral oil an irritant?
Email Reply: Mineral oil an irritant?
Additives to it like fragrance can be. From http://www.happi.com/contents/view_features/2012-03-01/truly-natural,
2012, bolding added by me
"long-term use and by multiple studies indicating that both mineral
oil and petrolatum are not comedogens, irritants, allergens and certainly not carcinogens"
It can be difficult for consumers
to pinpoint ingredient(s) as culprits to reactions. Consulting with a
dermatologist is best if reactions are persistent.
"A 10-Step Guide To Applying Split Thickness Skin Grafts"
"Lubrication with an abundance of mineral oil is also helpful"
"Lubrication with an abundance of mineral oil is also helpful"
Both links from are from this blog post
"Chemical Burns Treatment & Management Prehospital Care",
"If contamination with metallic lithium, sodium, potassium ... has occurred, irrigation with water can result in a chemical reaction that causes burns to worsen. In these situations the area should be covered with mineral oil"
"Proper wound care: How to minimize a scar", 2015
"Proper wound care: How to minimize a scar", 2015
https://www.aad.org/dermatology-a-to-z/health-and-beauty/general-skin-care/proper-wound-care-minimize-a-scar, with video, @AADskin
"To help the injured skin heal, use petroleum
jelly to keep the wound moist. Petroleum jelly prevents the wound from drying
out and forming a scab ... This will also help prevent a scar from getting too
large, deep or itchy. As long as the wound is cleaned daily, it is not
necessary to use anti-bacterial ointments." Nothing
expensive, exotic, hard to find, or fanciful - just sound advice.
"Worst Case Scenario: Treating Sunburn", 2015
http://www.skincancer.org/prevention/sunburn/worst-case-scenario-treating-sunburn#panel1-1, @SkinCancerOrg
"Sunburn literally cooks the protein in the skin," says Zoe Draelos, MD, clinical associate professor of dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina ... Usually, sunburn does not require a doctor's care .... if you are running a fever, see a doctor ... would indicate possible heatstroke ... home remedy for soothing the skin ... using a washcloth soaked in cold skim milk ... coolness takes out the initial fire, and the milk creates a protein film that helps ease the ensuing discomfort." Great article with more information, and tips 1-6 to click through at the end of it.
More on skim milk and sunburn with more detail and variation
The video of information in the above article - poison ivy? - skim milk and water compresses for that too.
"Worst Case Scenario: Treating Sunburn", 2015
http://www.skincancer.org/prevention/sunburn/worst-case-scenario-treating-sunburn#panel1-1, @SkinCancerOrg
"Sunburn literally cooks the protein in the skin," says Zoe Draelos, MD, clinical associate professor of dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina ... Usually, sunburn does not require a doctor's care .... if you are running a fever, see a doctor ... would indicate possible heatstroke ... home remedy for soothing the skin ... using a washcloth soaked in cold skim milk ... coolness takes out the initial fire, and the milk creates a protein film that helps ease the ensuing discomfort." Great article with more information, and tips 1-6 to click through at the end of it.
More on skim milk and sunburn with more detail and variation
"Skim Milk Compress Soothes
Sunburned Skin", 2011, color and bolding added by me
http://www.bottomlinepublications.com/content/drafts/skim-milk-compress-soothes-sunburned-skin, @DermTV
"from Neal B. Schultz, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and owner of Park Avenue Skin Care ...
Normally, the skin’s pH ... on the acidic side ... sunburn causes inflammation ... makes skin more alkaline ... protein in the milk acts as a chemical buffer that helps reduce painful inflammation and restore the skin’s proper pH ... as the milk evaporates ... it causes cooling ... makes dilated blood vessels contract ... reducing inflammation ... skim milk ... higher ratio of protein to fat ... protein that helps the healing process ... mix equal amounts of skim milk and slightly warm water to create a room-temperature mixture ... cold compress might feel more soothing initially ... liquid would not evaporate as quickly ... wouldn’t get as much anti-inflammatory action ... smooth cloth ... handkerchief or T-shirt ... washcloth’s rough texture would be too irritating"The video of information in the above article - poison ivy? - skim milk and water compresses for that too.
"DermTV - Home Remedy for
Sunburnt and Irritated Skin [DermTV.Com Epi #015]", uploaded 2009
Dr. Schultz's
reply in Comments
"You bet it's true! I've been
recommending milk and water compresses to my patients for 30 years for relief
of inflamed, irritated or itchy skin. Of course it doesn't fix everything but
certainly helps reduce the discomfort, itch and inflammation."
"Anti-inflammatory mechanisms of
bioactive milk proteins in the intestine of newborns.", 2013, color and bolding added by me
"Milk provides a multitude of proteins with
anti-inflammatory properties ... both
human and bovine milk ... multitude of milk proteins act against the
inflammatory process according to both in vitro and in vivo studies."
Full text of the above and you can download it as a pdf - free of charge
Full text of the above and you can download it as a pdf - free of charge
"Discredited by Scientists, Ignored by Media - It's Time for EWG to
Retire Decades Old "List" ", 2015, bolding added by me, @SafeProduce
"Until 2010, EWG’s list had become one of the main sources of misinformation about produce safety targeted toward consumers – until the Alliance for Food and Farming's (AFF) Management Board said “no more” to disparaging these safe and healthy products and launched the Safe Fruits and Veggies initiative ... To date, no group, including the EWG, has questioned any of the information found at safefruitsandveggies.com, which underscores the quality of the science."
"Until 2010, EWG’s list had become one of the main sources of misinformation about produce safety targeted toward consumers – until the Alliance for Food and Farming's (AFF) Management Board said “no more” to disparaging these safe and healthy products and launched the Safe Fruits and Veggies initiative ... To date, no group, including the EWG, has questioned any of the information found at safefruitsandveggies.com, which underscores the quality of the science."